Friday, April 28, 2006

Creative Running

I lived in Africa for three years and I recently came across an old South African edition of Runner's World when I was cleaning my study. There was a great article in it about the mental approach to running. While running to me is among my greatest joys, there is the odd time it becomes a chore. When it does I can draw strength from these pearls of wisdom:
  • Train creatively
  • Consider your running as a gift that you give to yourself. Make each bout of training and your races adventures that you look forward to.
  • Be light and playful with your running. Be grateful for each run as opposed to being fretful when a run does not turn out as you had wanted it to.
  • Always realise that your running is voluntary and therefore chosen, and if it is chosen it is what you wanted.
  • When you look for fitness, or speed, or strength, or endurance, what you are really looking for is joy. The mistake you make is to not go for happiness first. If you did, all the rest would follow.


Ewen said...

Good thoughts Don. Enjoyment is why we started running. Must keep that child-like feeling happening.

Tesso said...

Great post Don. I've read a couple of Sth African runners mags and they are always so full of useful and encouraging info. Running really seems to be a way of life over there. Is that where you started?

TD said...

Yes Tesso, my running did start in Africa - in Zimbabwe when I was on posting to be specific. I have been considering doing a short and sweet post on the origins of my running and maybe its time I did something.