Sunday, February 25, 2007

"And the winner is...."

Boston it will be.

Decision time for my Boston v Canberra dilemma came and went on Friday and I still couldn't quite make up my mind. I decided to wait and see how I pulled up from yesterday's long run before making the big D. I got through the run ok, all 27k's of it. The fact that I had to hobble for most of the rest of the day with this blasted adductor injury didn't worry me too much. I had got through a long run without too much discomfort and I am confident I can manage this thing up and until the marathon. The question was - just which marathon would it be?

In the end, the compelling logic in favour of Boston became too compelling. I read and listened to all the advice that came my way on-line and off-line. I thought if I passed up this opportunity there may not be many more. I'm not getting any younger, family finances could change, who knows what. I just didn't want to live with regrets. So even though it will be expensive and there were some important personal issues to consider, I felt I needed to do it. Call it destiny perhaps; I dunno.

I am going to do it for the experience. This injury has ruled out any chance of thinking about PB's. My preparations are already well behind and I am simply looking to get in some big long runs before the day, rather than worry about piling on big weekly k's.

Flights and accommodation have been booked. So it's Boston or bust!


Ewen said...

Fantastic Don! As you said, no living with regrets.

Very much looking forward to following your journey to the start in Hopkinton. Then, the race. The Boston Marathon!

Shane said...

The hard part is done now, all you have to do is run 42k ;-)

Great decision, who knows what can happen later in life. Look forward to reading how it all goes. Enjoy!

Rob said...

Congratulations Don! I hope all goes well in your preparations and that you will enjoy the whole experience including the excitment of the anticipation as race day draws closer.

Samurai Running said...

I don't care what anyone says I don't think you're a self centered, selfish, self indulgent, self interested, self seeker.

I think you are a slow decision maker. What took you so long to get it right!

All the best TD.

Robert Song said...

I'm sure you will run better now the weight is off your shoulders.

Boston has just so much history, as well as having to qualify to get there. It should be a great journey.

Cirque said...

WONDERFUL! Now, whatever you do don't even THINK about the decision any more. You didn't make it lightly, selfishly or impetuously, so put it behind you and get on with making sure you make the most of the opportunity so it isn't wasted. Looking forward to following your progress!

strewth said...

Woo hoo - how exciting. I'm absolutely thrilled and delighted for you. We will all be following your journey with you. Just don't forget your camera!!! Good luck with your training. What an amazing opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Good news Don, it must be a weight lifted to finally make the decision. Maybe one day I'll run London or New York, who knows, one day.

Clairie said...

How exciting!!!

Okay 6 weeks to go.

With 2 weeks of taper, thats 4 more long runs, 4 more mid-week semilong runs, 4 more speed sessions, 4 cross training sessions, 2 more hill sessions, 6 more tempo sessions and about 6 massages to go.
WOW sounds easy heh?

Tesso said...


That is so very exciting. Wow - Boston! And just think how much more of the atmosphere you can soak up seeing though you re not at your peak :-)

Re the adductor, are you taping it? My physio showed me how to tape mine so I could run with it supported a few days after I tore mine.

Stephen Lacey said...

Hey ho and off we go! Congratulations Don. That's ab-so-bloody-lutely terrific! I'll be following your journey closely.

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog the other day. Very very much appreciated.

CJ said...

Woo hoo! Talk about keeping up the suspense! Excellent dcision and i'm sure you won't regret it.

Looking forward to the race report!

Vicky said...

WOW Don! Thats awesome, I'm so happy and excited for you! For most of us its a dream that will never be any more than that...

I second everything everyone else has said and look forward to hearing all about both the lead up and the actual event in equal parts! Aw, OK, reading about you running THE BOSTON MARATHON will be slightly more exciting than reading about your training!! But the entire journey is exciting.

Thanks for your recent comment about my blog and training, it really is very much appreciated.

MAR. :-)

PortRunr said...

Excellent choice Don, this is very exciting!!!
Hope you have a smooth preparation over the next 6 weeks or so.
Niggle or not, I think you're better off soaking it all in rather than pushing hard. You'd want to be able to enjoy the atmosphere fully, not get it over with as quickly as you can!! ;)

Unknown said...

I'm so pleased with your decision, Don! I also like & believe "no regrets".....wast of energy that could be spent running....the Boston Marathon!

I'll be at the ACTVAC Thursday, March 8; see you there perhaps? A few of us meet for a meal on Wednesday might like to join? If so let Ewen know.