Thursday, July 19, 2007

Motivation - a love story

My blogger mate, JayKay, says she has lost her motivation with running and I know that many others, including myself, have had the same problem in recent months. So I thought I would share some thoughts on how I found my motivation again.

This (said with booming god-like voice over) is a true story....

Motivation and I were lovers. But she was flaky; definitely a fair weather friend. When everything's hunky dory there she is, along side, hand in hand, lapping up the good times. Yet when the weather turns foul, injuries appear and other problems intrude, this lady seems to take flight. Just when I need her the most she goes missing in action - MIA. Some friend.

This happened to me earlier in the year. Motivation and I had been together in Boston for the marathon, a great lovers' tryst if ever there was one. After I came home from Boston, I got injured and stopped running. Motivation was gone. I stopped blogging. The world was the pitts.

I was like a lost puppy in love....panting.....frantic. I looked for my Motivation. I remembered all the great times we had together, remembered the special times, moments when we looked into each other's eyes and only saw a galaxy of stars. Remembered the soft loving touches; the embraces, our breathing up close and decadent..frosted, sparkling like dew, melting as one. Our feelings were really butterflies landing on our hearts, contented. Not since Caesar and Cleopatra and that cad, Antony, had there been love like this. We were runners and lovers; lovers of fun, who would run to love, and love to run fun.

We had traveled together to the great cities of the world. Our romance blossomed in London, New York, Tokyo, Washington, Singapore, Bangkok, Beijing, Vienna, Geneva, Sydney - the hills of Canberra. The world was our oyster and what an aphrodisiac.

Who needed Viagra? It was was was freedom rubbed raw... it was a romp through the hills and valleys of Nature's grand adventure...sunset and sunrises...rolling in the waves of a sea of lustful eternity with the sand getting in all the wrong places. God it was good. Just me and Motivation, Motivation and I. The two of us. My Moty.

Then she was gone. Just like that. Gone. Emptiness, loneliness. My soul, a vacant pit looking over a tundra of sadness and fallen tears...."oh Motivation, oh Motivation, where art thou Motivation..."?

How could she do this to me after all we had been through together. This was hell. I looked far and wide, high and low, long and short, up and down, inclined and upclined; through and back; looked under my bed, spoke to the fairies at the bottom of the garden but no-one, not one person had seen Motivation.

I needed a sign from her. Something. Anything. A clue from her that our old magic could be restored.

Things where at their worst and I was in the gutter of despair. Then something happened. I had my epiphany.....


Please note the next installment may be R-rated. That means - especially for my US and UK friends - it could be adults only...(oh goody, very naughty...ssshh!)


Rae! said...

WOW very nice indeed.I am going to tell everyone to take a peek and read your blog.WOW!!!

Friar said...

And the family lets you have a liaison with "M" ???

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

Can't wait to read the next episode.

Stephen Lacey said...

What do you mean you were in Tokyo and didn't look us up!? I only hope that was before we met on line. But I suppose you were too pre-occupied with that Motivation tart to have paid us much mind anyhow. Hrmph. You had better not forget us next time mister!

Sekhmet said...

I came here looking for Don's blog but appear to have stumbled on to a Mills and Boon novel!

Now I know why Jay and I struggle with motivation - we were obviously barking up the wrong tree ;)

Ewen said...

I'm already looking forward to the next installment Don. Is that where the viagra comes in?

allrounder said...

in asnwer to your question - my accommodation wasn't going to be ready & I didn't fancy lugging my luggage all over the city...

Tesso said...

I just love happy endings .... I'm sure this story will have one.

If it was turned into a mini-series who would you want to play the part of TD? And what about Motivation?

Superflake said...

I find my motivation every weekend when I have a race to run. I'm now fully committed to Boston 2008. Should be an experience.

Cirque said...

That tart sure gets around! I swear I saw her flirting with just about every runner I saw at Gold Coast. Be warned TD - she may not be yours alone.

Hurry up with the next instalment please! I want to hear about the heartfelt reunion.